Catch the “Fever”… Week 19 Update

Sorry folks but this is Kevin’s Dad doing the update this week. Kevin is sick in bed with Dengue Fever. I know the title may seem flippant but I was going for a Kevin”ish” title. He is okay. He just has to take it easy for a little while. Drink lots of water and juice and get plenty of sleep.

For those of you who don’t know what Dengue Fever is, here is a little recap. There is a family of mosquito transmitted diseases. Dengue is in the same family as West Nile and Yellow Fever. It’s pretty common in tropical areas. About 100 million people get it every year and except in the most rare cases it just lays you up for a while. It is pretty contagious and the only way to protect yourself is to not get bit.

The down side to anytime your laid up on your mission is you have plenty of time on your hands and you inevitably start to think of home. Home sickness is the worst “secondary infection” you can get on your mission. So here is the request from his Dad. Please write him.

His mailing address is –

Elder Kevin Dalton
Tahiti Papeete Mission
L’Englise de Jesus-Christ des Saints des Derniers-Jours,
Mission Mormone, BP 93
(for any packages add: Cours de L’Union Sacree)
Papeete Tahiti 98714
French Polynesia

Letters cost about $1.40 and take a few weeks to get to him. Packages are faster for some crazy reason. They cost a lot more so if you do send a package send it in the smallest Post Office Priority box possible. Just saying.

Other that that, he is doing great. His new companion, Elder Duncan is a guitarist too and his good friend Connor Boyd is still rooming with them. He is loving his mission and although this is a rough patch and a humbling experience for him I know he wouldn’t want to be any place else right now.

Thanks for all your prayers and support. Our family really appreciates it.

Kevin’s Dad

Elder Dalton and Elder Boyd on Skype
Elder Dalton and Elder Boyd Skyping on Christmas Day with Elder Boyd’s family. 


One thought on “Catch the “Fever”… Week 19 Update

  1. I’m just now getting around to the blogs, but can tell you I wrote him before I could read his blog 🙂 we will increase our prayers in his behalf.


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