Yet Another Update from Elder Kevin Dalton

Well, hello everybody!!

This week literally flew by! It was insane!!! I really have learned a lot with all that I have done here so far!!

So, a couple updates, 1. UFC is a thing here, and by UFC, I mean Ultimate Fighting Chicken. The people take chickens here and they fight them in this little ring, they allow it for like ten seconds then they return the animals to their respective cages, yeah it is kinda funny and kinda weird….2.  I ate poisson crue, fafaru, pork that was cooked in an underground oven, and hot sauce. Really really hot sauce. So the poisson crue was delish. It was awesome. The Fafaru, well lets just say that if you ever wanted to make a fish smell like a zoo then eat it, the Tahitians can show you how it is done haha. It was kinda bad…..But! I would not have been a real Tahitian missionary with out eating it! And the pork! Oh my goodness, that was some good eatin. It was awesome. I loved it!! 3.  Tahitian music is the bomb! Each night in Avera, we study and read the scriptures and at the same time, some people are singing at the top of their lungs and beating percussion music at a local festival each night. It is really somethin cool!!!

As for things that I have been learning, well I do not know really where to start! First off, I really have spent the majority of my time here to really get to know Jesus Christ; (I know, I know, cheesy right?) But it really has become something special. I have been reading in the new testament and it is changing my view on who he really was. It is so cool. He was so humble in all that he did and he really is the perfect example of a perfect brother.

I also have had the chance to learn about Paul, and Peter. And I really can not imagine the trials that they went through. Over and over again they were hunted down for their faith in Jesus Christ, and they were stoned, and mocked. Yet, they continued on. Now in Tahiti, I most certainly have not been stoned, and I have not really been mocked, but I have though that it has been hard. When in reality, it really hasn’t. I really am motivated by their great example. It keeps me going.

Now to all of you that have sent emails, thank you so much. I love getting them. They really mean the most to me! You are all the best. Be safe!!

Elder Dalton

Elder Dalton with his Groomsman Hat from Firefly
Sunset in Avera
Pig Roast
Pig Roast Finished

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